Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Too many resolutions!

2008 is finally here! Every year it seems as though I just can't wait for a new year to begin and the old one to end. 2007 was no different. The streets in Branson are easier to maneuver now that many tourists are gone. That means it will be easier shopping at the malls and The Landing. Today, of course, is also "football day" and game of the day for us is the Missouri/Arkansas Cotton Bowl game. Yeah...Missouri won!

Of course I made a too-long list of resolutions that I probably won't be able to stick to them all. You know...the usual...finances, house-cleaning, organizing.
Resolution 1: Use up all existing project materials in the house
I have too much yarn! I tried to think of all I could do to use up the odds and ends of Peaches and Cream yarn that kept getting tangled in the yarn box. Each ball was enough to make a nice size wash cloth, but there was never enough left to make another washcloth so I made small coasters/candle mats.
Coasters: I used a seed stitch for borders with straight knit every other row/purl every other row for a 3-1/2 inch center. The first and last 5 rows are seed stich and the 1st four and last four stitches each row is a seed stitch. I found this provides a really nice border.
Washcloths: I used the same seed stitch borders and a basketweave pattern for the center. This gives a nice texture to the cloth with the back and front looking similar instead of a definite "front" side.

Resolution 2: Do a better job of keeping up with my blog and website. Let's face it, I just need to budget my time a little better. At least for today, I'm on target...I posted here on New Year's Day! Now I need to work on my freelance site
Resolution 3: Save, save, save. Now this is almost impossible for someone who loves crafts as much as I do! My start today is to dump all the change out of my purse into the "piggy bank" for the emergency fund at home.

Resolution 4: Eat healthier this year. Now that the big "food" holidays are behind us...this should be a little easier. The past couple years I managed to avoid most pre-cooked, pre-packaged foods. 2008 shouldn't be any different. I am a big fan of natural foods and natural cleaning methods.

Bible Quote of the Day:

Say to him: 'Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours! 1 Samuel 25:6 (NIV)